Rest and Rebalance Reflexology Updates
24th February, 2021
Following on from PM Boris Johnson's announcement regarding the four-step roadmap to ease COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, I am pleased to be able to offer reflexology treatments from Monday, 12th April onwards. This will, of course, be subject to any further updates from the government.Â
I am looking forward very much re-opening the business and welcoming back clients, 'old and new'!
10th, October, 2020
Product Price List
Bath Salts 250gr Jar £11.25 Massage/Bath Oil 100mls £13.95
Bath Salts 100gr Jar £4.95 Massage/Bath Oil 50mls £8.75
Room Spray 100mls £10.95 Face Cream 120gr Pot £13.85
Room Spray 50mls £7.50 Face Cream 60gr Pot £8.50
Foot Balm Wax 120gr Pot £17.25 Face Cream 30gr Pot £5.75
Foot Balm Wax 60gr Pot £10.75 Hand Cream 60gr Pot £11.85
Foot Balm Wax 30gr Pot £6.50 Hand Cream 30gr Pot £7.85
Foot Balm Wax 15gr Pot £3.95 Hand Cream 15gr Pot £5.25
Body Lotion 100ml Pump £13.50 Roller Ball 10ml Pulse Point £5.75
Lip Balm 15gr Tin £2.65
Essentially Aromatherapy Oil blends are used in all the products, apart from the face cream and lip balm, and are chosen specifically for each client’s requirements following consultation. These include blends to support:
Allergy Ease
Breathe Easy
Hormone Calming
Immune Boost
Joint/Muscle Ease
Relaxing/Calming/Chakra Balancing
Sleep Easy
Uplifting/Stimulate & Focus
Ultimate De-Stress
Reproductive Tonic
10th, September, 2020
Late summer offer of £45.00 for a 75-minute reflexology session (usual price £55.00)
Receive a further £10.00 discount if you recommend a friend for his/her own introductory 25% off usual price session
The effects of reflexology can support many ailments and conditions including:
allergy symptoms;
anxiety and depression;
digestive upset (constipation and/or diarrhoea);
effects of stress and nervous tension;
headaches (including migraines);
hormonal imbalances;
inflammation related problems (including arthritis, asthma, diabetes, injuries, heart disease, cancer);
poor circulation;
sinus pressure;
stiff, aching and painful joints and muscles.
Rest and Rebalance Reflexology also offers :
Hand Reflexology
Maternity and Reproductive Health Reflexology
Mindful Reflexology
Palliative Care Reflexology
Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD)
Reflexology for Women’s Health
Susanne is qualified to make Katseye aromatherapy blends products including bath salts, body lotion, face cream, foot-balm wax, hand cream, massage/bath oil, rollerball pulse-point and room spray, all formulated with pure essential oils to support the above-mentioned conditions.
To make a booking please contact Susanne on either:
07407 506433
For more information, please visit
Late summer offer of £45.00 for a 75-minute reflexology session (usual price £55.00)
Receive a further £10.00 discount if you recommend a friend for his/her own introductory 25% off usual price session
The effects of reflexology can support many ailments and conditions including:
allergy symptoms;
anxiety and depression;
digestive upset (constipation and/or diarrhoea);
effects of stress and nervous tension;
headaches (including migraines);
hormonal imbalances;
inflammation related problems (including arthritis, asthma, diabetes, injuries, heart disease, cancer);
poor circulation;
sinus pressure;
stiff, aching and painful joints and muscles.
Rest and Rebalance Reflexology also offers :
Hand Reflexology
Maternity and Reproductive Health Reflexology
Mindful Reflexology
Palliative Care Reflexology
Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD)
Reflexology for Women’s Health
Susanne is qualified to make Katseye aromatherapy blends products including bath salts, body lotion, face cream, foot-balm wax, hand cream, massage/bath oil, rollerball pulse-point and room spray, all formulated with pure essential oils to support the above-mentioned conditions.
To make a booking please contact Susanne on either:
07407 506433
For more information, please visit
May, 2018
Client Privacy Policy for Rest and Rebalance Reflexology (RRR) – May 2018
1. RRR is committed to complying with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) governing privacy of personal information by businesses and to protecting and safeguarding your privacy when you deal with it. RRR will never disclose your personal information to any third party unless it has your permission to do so, or as is otherwise required under section 5 of this Privacy Policy notice.
2. Some information provided to RRR by clients might be considered private or personal. Without these details RRR would not be able to carry on its business and provide its services to you.
3. At or before the time the personal information is collected by RRR, it will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the fact that you are able to gain access to the information held about you, the purpose of the collection, the type(s) of organisations to which RRR usually discloses the information collected about you and any laws requiring the collection of the information.21/05/18
4. RRR may use or disclose personal information held about an individual for the primary purpose for which it is collected e.g. provision of services, including administration of services, notification to you about changes to services. RRR may also use information where it would reasonably be expected by you that RRR would use the information. This information is only disclosed to persons outside RRR’s business in the circumstances set out in this policy or as notified to you at the time of collection of the information.
5. In addition, RRR is permitted to use or disclose personal information held about you:
Where you have consented to the use or disclosure
Where RRR reasonably believes that the use or disclosure is necessary to lessen or
prevent a serious, immediate threat to someone's health or safety or the public's health or
Where RRR reasonably suspect’s that unlawful activity has been, is being or may be
engaged in and the use or disclosure is a necessary part of RRR’s investigation or in
reporting the matter to the relevant authorities
Where such use or disclosure is required under or authorised by law (for example, to
comply with a subpoena, a warrant or other order of a court or legal process)
Where RRR reasonably believes that the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary for
prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of crimes or wrongdoings or the preparation for, conduct of, proceedings before any court or tribunal or the implementation of the orders of a court or tribunal by or on behalf of an enforcement body.
6. RRR places significant importance on the security of all information associated with clients. RRR has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of personal information under our control. Personal information is de-identified or destroyed securely when no longer required by RRR.
July, 20th, 2020
Dear valued client
Hopefully this email finds you well as things start moving back into the direction of some sort of normality.
I thought I would get in touch to let you know of some changes being made for your safety as our profession has, after 4 months, finally had the all-clear to be back in the treatment room! For Rest and Rebalance Reflexology this date will be Wednesday, 22nd, July. Therefore, if you would like to book in, please don’t hesitate to call me on 07407506433 or email susanne@restandrebalance-refexology.co.uk.
Please read below, and if there is anything that needs clarifying and I will be happy to do so.
If you are unwell, have recently returned from overseas, or have come into contact with someone with COVID-19, please do not book in for the time being, even if you do not have any symptoms, and I will help to accommodate you in two weeks’ time.
I am closely monitoring the advice from the government and my association, Professional Reflexology (PR), and have made some changes in how to operate under their best guidance:
Two days before every appointment I will email you a short form to fill in for me to ensure your safety.
I am taking extra care to ensure optimum sanitising and cleaning between each client.
Recommended PPE will be used and some adjustments have been made to my treatment room/cloakroom to optimise sanitation
By trying to limit the number of people at any one time, please do not bring any family members along to your appointment with you.
For the time being, and in order to reduce infection, I am only accepting payment by bank transfer or cheque payment into a bank/Post Office.
By following government recommendations I will be self-isolating should I, or my partner, develop symptoms, and I appreciate your patience and understanding should your appointment need to be rescheduled.
By taking on less clients than usual, I would ask that should you need to reschedule an upcoming appointment, please let me know as soon as you know, and I will accommodate a change.
My main concern is for everybody’s safety, and I will be doing everything possible to ensure this.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
22nd, July, 2020
To my reflexology clients
This update is to clarify a few things I’m doing to ensure your upcoming treatment is as safe as possible for us both. There will be an attached form to the email I will send to you which, if you could please fill it out and return it to me at least 2 days before your appointment, that would be much appreciated - it just enables me to be able to assess whether it is within safe practice for me to carry out your treatment. I am closely monitoring the advice from the Government and my association, Professional Reflexology (PR) and, as a result, have made some changes in how I will operate under their best guidance:
Please take your temperature before you arrive if you are able. If not, I will come out to your car and take it there. I will also have a health/safety questionnaire for you to fill out on arrival and after the session.
There will be a hand sanitiser in the hall to use for when you arrive, and on the way out.
I will wash my hands thoroughly for a minimum of twenty seconds prior to the treatment as well as using hand sanitiser during the session if necessary.
If you could bring your own water bottle in order to have a drink during or after your treatment, that would be appreciated. However, if you forget there will be water in a disposable cup. This is to reduce germ transfer and will be disposed of safely.
Soft furnishings in the treatment room have been reduced to a minimum, and hard surfaces are now covered in a wipe clean material.
Please bring as little as possible with you (handbags and coats to be avoided if possible!) and limit phone use to only when needed in case of an emergency
The bathroom now has disposable paper towels and, should you need to use the facilities, please ensure that you wash your hands with warm soapy water for a minimum of twenty seconds.
Current Government Guidelines suggest that wearing a face covering makes the treatment safer for both of us. Please don’t forget to bring your mask and wear it for the duration of the treatment (I’ll be wearing a visor!)
If you have any questions about the information provided above, please don’t hesitate to ask and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
I have missed providing reflexology to all my clients and am very much looking forward to getting back to regular sessions with everyone.
Kind regards